March Council Minutes, 4/19/22 At their last meeting, the council met and approved the March minutes. Click the link below and if you have any questions you can email the...
Let’s recognize our graduates! May is a special time of year as we celebrate the hard work of those in our community who will be graduating. On May 15th we will have a...
Interim Pastor’s Update, 4/11/22 We Formed a Search Team, Now What? You may have noticed the congregation has approved a slate of names for the Lead Pastor Search Team as...
ACC welcomes new members and appoints search committee At the Congregational Meeting, Dan Fisher, Ellen Johnson, Peter Lee, Jerry Reier, Kinsey Ringenberg, Barb Rodriguez, Evelyn Simmons, Craig...
The Spring Work Day was a success! We had a lot of fun and got a lot of important work done at out first Spring Work Day on Saturday, April 9. Thank you to everyone who...
Congregational Meeting Join us for our Congregational Meeting in the Family Life Center on Sunday, April 10. The council has nominated the following people for...
Invite a friend to Easter at Arvada Covenant Church Easter is a perfect opportunity to invite friends or family members to join you in celebrating the hope of the Resurrection. Did you know...
Remember or honor a loved one with Easter flowers We will be decorating the church with blooming plants for Easter Sunday. If you would like to purchase a plant in memory of or in honor...
Arvada Covenant Recreational Volleyball League closes out the season Another ACC Recreational Volleyball League has come to a close! Thanks to all those who participated. A very special thanks to Michele Seif...