Emotions. Everybody has them and we all struggle at times to deal well with how we feel. At our worst, we stuff our emotions deep within or we let them endlessly erupt. Either way, be it years later or in the moment, when not handled well, our emotions can cause such harm to ourselves and others.

At our best, our emotions act as a barometer of our soul and can lead us to God, who wants to receive and provide for us regardless of how we are feeling. If we deal well with how we feel we come to a new understanding of ourselves and intimacy with God. The Bible is full of examples of people dealing with their feelings in good and bad ways. So during this series, we will study specific biblical characters and Psalms to help us deal with our feelings in a healthy manner.

Along the way, with the help of some others, a feelings wheel and a journal, our hope is that you become more aware of what you are feeling (Name it!) and understand why you are feeling the way you do (Tame it!), while learning to draw close to God and integrate His truth (Claim it!). In doing so, we believe that you will experience more freedom, reflect Christ more to the world, and have the potential to help others (Proclaim it!).

"Pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge."
Psalm 62:8


April 7David GladPsalm 118:21-25, 28-29
April 14Mary & Martha / JesusSadPsalm 88
April 21Cain & Abel / JesusMadPsalm 109
April 28ElijahScaredPsalm 27, 34, 56,  61
May 5PeterShamePsalm 51
May 12Disciples ShockedPsalm 33:16-18