Are you intimated about sharing your faith? Are you afraid that you don’t know how, or that you will say the wrong thing, or that you’ll get rejected or ridiculed? Is there someone on your heart that you’ve been meaning to share Jesus with, but you’ve been putting it off? In this short sermon series called Compelled: Sharing Jesus with Others, you will receive the motivation, courage, and tools to confidently share your faith! Pastors Jodi and Brian will provide the biblical proof and practical methods to overcome your fears. After going through the series, you’ll be able to effectively articulate the Good News of salvation—planting seeds of truth that will lead your coworkers, neighbors, friends, and family to a personal relationship with Jesus!

“…Christ's love compels us…and He gave us the ministry of reconciliation…”
2 Corinthians 5:14, 18


July 28
To Live is Christ
Philippians 1:12-26
August 4
Live a Life of Influence
Colossians 4:2-6
August 11
Live a Questionable Life
1 Peter 3:15


Compelled Journal

This workbook is a resource to help you consider who to invite to church as we live out our fourth practice of blessing others. The prompts will help you see new opportunities to join the Spirit in blessing the people in your life who do not know God.


Invitation Materials for the Gospel of John Series

We are looking forward to seeing you for the Gospel of John series that starts August 18. Invite your friends and family to join you! You can invite them by downloading and sharing the graphics on social media, via email, or text.