Maundy Thursday On Maundy Thursday, we participated in a hands-on experience that marked the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover with His...
Palm Sunday On Sunday, March 24, we celebrated Palm Sunday with a pancake breakfast (with a basketball-playing donkey!) and a palm procession led by...
Powderburn 2024 We had five high schoolers on our Powderburn retreat this past weekend! We had an incredible time in worship, learning, and in small group...
Ash Wednesday On Wednesday, February 14 we gathered for an Ash Wednesday dinner, craft, and service. Watch the service. Ash Wednesday developed as a day...
Local and Global Mission Fair On Sunday, February 4, ACC hosted the first Global and Local Mission Fair. Grace Shim, the executive minister of Serve Globally for the...
Approved Congregational Meeting Minutes from June 2023 At the January 28 Congregational Meeting, members approved the minutes from the June 2023 Congregational Meeting. Review the approved...
December Council Minutes Click the links below for the minutes of the December 5, 2023 Council Meeting. If you have any questions you can email the council...
January Baptisms Baptism is the symbol and sign of God’s grace being offered to the one who confesses their faith in Jesus Christ. Congratulations to...
Christmas Eve Service Thank you to everyone who attended our Christmas Eve services at Arvada Covenant Church. You can watch the recording at our Service...