During our series called  RENEWAL, the focus will be on renewing our understanding of our purpose, individually and as a church. Each Sunday, we will be (re)discovering the daily practices that lead to encountering more of God and bringing renewal to the world.

  1. Looking back on your Christmas experience, did it fulfill the intended purpose you had hoped for?
  2. Why is it so important for an organization or a person to clarify their purpose and figure out what practices help them live into it? What is God’s role in clarifying and helping them live into one’s purpose?
  3. ACC’s new purpose statement is the following: Practicing the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the world. What do you like about it? What is confusing? Where do you see your responsibility in it? What could happen if we all lived this out?
  4. The first part of the purpose statement is a call to “Practicing the way of Jesus.” What does the way of Jesus mean to you? Review John 14:6Act 24:14, Acts 2:42. What did Jesus mean when he declared He was “the Way?” And what was the purpose and practices of the followers of the Way?
  5. The second part of the purpose statement is about doing it “together.” Read out loud Hebrews 10:22-25. What is the author calling us to do together (list the specific practices)? Why are these specific practices and a communal approach so important? How have you experienced the benefits of living out your faith in community versus isolation?
  6. The final part of the purpose statement is “for the renewal of the world.” How does the idea of bringing renewal to the world strike you? Review Colossians 3:10. How does personal renewal impact our ability to bring renewal into the world around us?  What ways of Jesus could you bring into the worlds  you find yourself in to help usher in renewal? (e.g. bringing encouragement where there is discouragement, forgiveness where there is division, seeking justice where there is injustice, etc.)
  7. Close by praying for ACC in following ways:
    1. For an understanding and unity around  ACC’s purpose statement
    2. For a willingness to live into the practices that help us fulfill our purpose
    3. For the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to cause us to be people who are practicing the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the world.

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