So, what do you believe about Jesus? We all believe something about Him. A.W. Tozer, a famous American pastor in the mid 1900s declared, “What comes into our minds when we think about Jesus is the most important thing about us.”
In week 6, we focus on John 6 and consider this question of belief: Do you believe that Jesus is the bread of life who sustains you?
- If you could have a fresh hot loaf of bread, what kind would it be? Why?
- Read John 6:1-15 or watch []. How does this scene challenge or inspire your faith?Is the point of this passage more about God’s provision and or Jesus’ authority? And why do they refer to Jesus as the Prophet and want to make Him king?
- Read John 6:16-24. What is harder to believe: Jesus walking on water or feeding 5000-6000 people?When you look back on John referring to Jesus as “the Word” (greek= “Logos” – source of all divine reasoning and creative order),how does it help you to believe that Jesus could do these types of miracles?
- Read John 6:25-40. How is this dialogue similar to the one with the woman at the well John 4:13-26?Why does Jesus reference the Old Testament manna story (Exodus 16:31) and call Himself the Bread of Life?And what is common about John 3:16, 36, 5:24 to John 6:40?
- Read John 6:41-59. This might be the most clarifying and confusing section about Jesus being the Bread of Life. In the first part, what does He clarify about manna and Himself?In the second part, about eating and drinking, what is confusing and what does He really mean? How is this similar to John 15:4?How does John 6:37, 44, 65 influence your view of the role you play in being responsible for others coming to know God?
- Read John 6:60-71. After all the disciples have seen, are you surprised that some no longer followed Him? What do you think of Peter’s response and how can you relate to it?
Identify a hunger in your life (big question, direction, connection, dissatisfaction, emptiness, longing).
Ponder – “Only Jesus can fill our greatest desire. Stop asking Jesus to show you more.
Instead, ask Him to feed you till you are full and want nothing more.” Rev. David Williams
Pray – Jesus help me come to You for the nourishment of my soul more than anything else.
Gospel of John Simple Journal/Reading Plan (in lobby)
Gospel of John Overview Video []