So, what do you believe about Jesus? We all believe something about Him. A.W. Tozer, a famous American pastor in the mid 1900s declared, “What comes into our minds when we think about Jesus is the most important thing about us.”
In week 5, we focus on John 4:43-5:47 and consider this question of belief: Do you believe that Jesus can heal? 

  1. Five weeks into this series, how is the Gospel of John impacting you? Do you see it integrating into your daily life? How? Why or Why not?
  1. Read John 4:43-54. Why do you think the Roman royal official had such faith in Jesus’ ability to heal? And why would Jesus do this for a Gentile? Consider the royal official’s decision to trust Jesus’ word without seeing any proof of his son’s healing (v. 4:50).
    How often do we find ourselves waiting for signs or tangible evidence before trusting God? Why is this so?
  1. Read John 5:1-15 or watch Which part of this scene are you most drawn to? Why? When Jesus asks the doubting invalid at the Pool of Bethesda, “Do you want to be healed?” it raises a profound question for the invalid and us:
    Are we truly willing to be transformed by Jesus, just wanting to feel better in the moment or resigned to our current state? How do you think the invalid felt? Reflect on or declare one area of your life where Jesus might be asking you the same question.
  1. Read John 5:16-30. To the angry Jewish leaders, Jesus is declaring His authority to heal on the Sabbath based on His identity. What is He specifically declaring about His identity and His roles? What questions does this raise in you about the roles in the Trinity?
    John 5:24 states the truth about what believing in Christ accomplishes. And how does it make you feel to live under this truth? And what holds or held you back from believing it? What other passages do you know that are similar to John 5:24?
  1. Read John 5:31-47. Jesus knew that Jewish law required multiple testimonies as proof in a Jewish court (e.g. Deut. 17:6). In these verses, He claims there are five witnesses that testify that He is the Son of God and equal to the Father. (John the Baptist, His own work, God’s pronouncement, the Scriptures and Moses.) Which of these do you need more clarity of understanding? And which of these witnesses helps to build your faith that Jesus is who He says He is?
Clarify your area of need (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, relationally)
Then pray this prayer for yourself and over others or write out a more specific and extensive one.
Lord heal me ____________  in the way that You desire and in your timing. 
Grant me the courage to live into it, the patience to wait or the acceptance of your will. 

Gospel of John Simple Journal/Reading Plan (in lobby)
Gospel of John Overview Video []


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