Seek God by seeking good. This is the command the book of Amos begs us to understand.
Uniquely among the minor prophets, Amos zeros in on Israel’s injustice towards the poor.
He indicts them for their failure to be generous as God had been generous to them.
As we journey together, we want to identify what injustices are occurring in the world around us.  Then, our hope is to determine what is the justice God wants to bring forth
through us. This week, we focus on Amos chapter 5:1-17.
  1. Being over halfway through our Amos series, how has God given you greater awareness of issues of justice in the world around you? What is good and or challenging about your fresh perspective? How does it make you feel?
  1. Amos 5:1-17 is a beautifully written form of poetic literature. Take a moment to read it through. Then what do you notice about the layout, repetitive phrasing, unique/redundant word choice, and foreshadowing. (e.g. 3X Seek…, 3X There are those who…, Virgin, LORD, therefore, destruction, etc.).
  1. Amos’ words are a lament (a passionate expression of grief/sorrow) and a call to repentance? As you scan the text, what words detail the lament and what words represent the call to repentance? What does this reveal about God’s heart for those who are not living out righteousness (what is fair/right for all regardless of social differences) and justice (taking action to make things fair).
  1. God is calling Israel to return to Him by seeking Him and doing good (v.4,6,14). What causes us as Christians to so easily drift from the basic concept of “Seek the LORD and Do Good” and become one of  the “There are those who…” (v.7, 10, 12)? Furthermore, God warns against seeking false sanctuaries and idols? In Amos’ day, it was the worship of the gods of sex, power/war and weather at their temples (v. 5)? Today, what are some of the false gods we seek in and out of our churches? Why are we so drawn to them?
  1. Read Amos 5:13. Why do the prudent then and now remain silent when there is such unrighteousness and injustice going on? Reflect on a situation where you felt the need to speak up, but chose to remain silent. What prevented you from speaking out, and how can you find the courage to address such issues in the future? Or when you spoke out, were there any consequences and or positive outcomes?
  1. Despite Israel’s sins, God offers hope through repentance in Amos’ words found in verses 5:14-15. Based on what has been declared in Amos to this point, how do you find this surprising? Again, what does this reveal about God’s gracious heart? How is this easy or difficult to accept?
  1. Write a prayer of lament regarding the amount of unrighteousness and injustice in the world around you. Then, include lines of personal repentance regarding your lack of seeking the LORD and doing good. Finally, ask for His help to be a conduit of righteousness and justice, locally and globally.



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