Our emotions act as a barometer of our soul and can lead us to God or away from Him. When we engage well with our feelings (glad, mad, sad, scared, shame, shocked), we come to a new understanding of ourselves, experience greater intimacy with God, and discover a healthy way of conveying them to others. 

This week, our focus is on how God wants to help us deal when we feel mad.

  1. How are you dealing with how you are feeling? Have you been taking time to reflect on your emotions and using the process of Naming, Taming, Claiming, and Proclaiming? If so, what have you gained? If not, what holds you back from doing so?
  2. Reflect on the distinction made between righteous anger and sinful anger. Can you identify times in your life when you’ve experienced each type of anger? How did you respond in those situations?
  3. Read Psalm 109 out loud. Identify what is causing the psalmist anger, where he takes it too far, and when he gets it under control. What does this say about God that this interaction with Him is in the Bible? What confusion or encouragement does this give you about how to deal with your anger?
  4. Read silently Ephesians 4:26 and James 1:19-20 multiple times.  What stands out to you?  How does holding onto anger affect your relationships and your own well-being? Who suffers when you don’t deal well with your anger?
  5. What are some healthy methods you use to manage your anger?
  6. Are there specific relationships or situations where you need to address and transform your approach to anger?
  7. Practice & Prayer: Take 5-10 minutes to identify your anger and bring it to God.

Name it! – “I am feeling _________________.”

Tame it! – “I am feeling this way because _______________________ .” (list at least 1-3  reasons)

Claim it! – “Lord, I give you my feelings…  .  Grant me Your wisdom.”

       What perspective and truth did He reveal to you?

Proclaim it! – Share with another or members of your group what came to mind.

PRAY  James 1:19-20 over yourself or each member of your group. 




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