1. Can you think of a time that someone intentionally sought you out to make sure you heard some very important news? What was it and how did it make you feel?
  2. Reflect on Mark 16: 1-8.  How does the angel’s declaration of “and Peter” in the Easter story change your perspective on the significance of Peter’s role in the resurrection narrative? Why do you think God had the angel specifically say his name?
  3. Reflect on John 20:1-10. Ponder Peter’s response to the news of the empty tomb, what does his decision to run to the tomb signify about his character and his relationship with Jesus?
  4. Why do you think Peter and the other disciples returned to their old way of life, as seen in John 21:1-3, even after witnessing Jesus’ resurrection and two appearances to them? How do we “return to our old way of life” like the disciples did? And why?
  5. Review the scenes of John 21:4-17. What specific actions and interactions with Jesus helped Peter to remember, feel accepted, overcome his doubt/shame and be restored into his future  calling?
  6. How does the story of Peter and the hope of the resurrection make you feel? What practical steps can you take to embrace the invitation to walk with Jesus and experience renewal in your life?

Help us God to recognize you by Your Spirit. May we turn to you and not run away and not hide. Though life is difficult as you know, thank you for meeting us where we are and getting our attention. Help us to come to you everyday. It’s in your Son, Jesus’ name we pray these things.


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