During this Holy Week our focus is on the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and our response to it. 

  1. Is it easier for you to enter into the Christmas story or the Easter story about Jesus? Why and Why not? What is your favorite story about Jesus? 
  2. Read Luke 19:28-44. What 2-3 things stand out to you about this description of Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem?
  3. What is the significance and meaning of the statement in Luke 19:40?
  4. Consider Jesus’ weeping over Jerusalem. What emotions and concerns do you think prompted this response? What makes you spiritually weep? Why or why not? 
  5. Our response to Jesus’ arrival reveals what we believe not only about Him, but ourselves and the world around us. What do you think your response would have been at the time of his entry in Jerusalem?  Which character in the story would you have been most like? What is your response (thoughts and feelings) now in the present day?
  6. During this Holy Week, what steps (e.g. prayer, scripture reading, attend services, quiet space, art gallery, conversations) do you need to take to fully enter into the journey with Jesus, so that you experience Him in a new or old way and arrive on Easter morning to our worship service with something to celebrate?  

 Prayer:  Lord, give me faith, faith in your endless mercy, your boundless forgiveness, your unfathomable goodness. Let me never run away from you, but return to you again and again.

Bless me, Lord, in this Holy Week, and give me the grace to know your loving presence more intimately. Amen.


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