During this Lenten season, we hope that you will journey to the cross through the eyes and experiences of the apostle Peter. In doing so, may you find yourself in his flawed humanity and deep faithfulness that came through encountering Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.  This week, we focus on Peter’s mountaintop experience with Jesus, known as the Transfiguration. 

  1. Have you ever had a mountain top experience, spiritually speaking? If so, when and where did it happen? 
  2. What are the differences and similarities in Matthew’s, Mark’s, and Luke’s accounts of the Transfiguration, and how does that affect your understanding of this episode in Jesus’ ministry? (Matthew 17:1-9; Luke 9:28-36; Mark 9:1-13
  3. What  “hyperlinks/connections” to the Old Testament did Pastor John mention in his message that reflect or give deeper meaning to Peter’s experience? What other ones come to mind? 
  4. What else might Peter have been suggesting when he offered to build booths/tents for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah? 
  5. How do you respond to the idea that most of our days on this planet are spent in the valleys and on the plains? 
  6. Note how 2 Peter 1:16-18 reconveys his own experience with Jesus on the mountaintop? How does this give legitimacy to the other gospel accounts? How does this inspire your journey of faith knowing how flawed, yet faithful Peter was? 

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for how you give us mountaintop experiences with You that grant us a glimpse of your majestic glory.  Forgive us for how we are so flawed and often blind to your residence in the dark valleys and daily plains of our lives. Give us minds that recall what you have done, eyes that are open to your current presence and a willing spirit to go where you lead us.  By your power and for your glory. In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen. 

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