When it comes to faith, everyone has doubts. What are yours? Questions and doubt are not the enemy of faith. They’re the path to a deeper faith. Whether you are a longtime Christian or brand new to faith, we are hoping you realize that our compassionate God is not afraid of your hard questions and you don’t have to be either. This week, we will introduce the concept of faith & doubt, then wrestle with the big question many have – Does God Exist?
During this 5-week series, we will focus on the following questions that cause us to doubt our faith:
Does God Exist?
Is the Bible true?
Is Jesus the only way?
What do we do when prayers go unanswered?
Why do the innocent suffer? Which two of the five interest you most and why?
And what other questions cause you to doubt your faith?
When it comes to faith in your life or in others, how has doubt been a benefit or detriment (give specific examples of the positive or negative impact)? What is the warning about doubt found in James 1:6-8?
Consider this statement: If doubt is a questioning or uncertainty about something. Then, faith doesn’t mean the absence of doubt—it means trusting God in the midst of uncertainty. Hence, faith is built on the skeleton of doubt. How does this statement help you to reframe your doubt? How does Mark 9:24, reflect our natural posture of doubt? And how do Deuteronomy 29:29 and Isaiah 55:8 help you to understand why you have doubt?
What are reasons that cause you to believe and not believe God exists? (make two columns “believe” and “not believe” then write down your honest thoughts. If in a group, do not give feedback on answers). What do you notice about the list of reasons?
Read Psalm 19:1-6, Romans 1:20. What role does the evidence of creation play in addressing your doubts about God’s existence? How does your own experience with God address your doubts? If you had to declare that God does exist, what would be your top three reasons?
How can embracing mystery and trusting in God’s bigger story help you navigate your doubts?
What practical steps can you take to grow in trust and faith despite the uncertainties in your life?
Holy and Loving Triune God, thank you for the teachings and the witness of your followers that are recorded in the Bible. Thank you for the people and the experiences that have brought us to faith in You. Thank You for accepting our questions and our doubts when our faith falters. May your presence be real to us when we search for answers and acceptance of Your mystery. Help us in our unbelief. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
“Wrestling with Doubt Finding Faith” – Adam Hamilton