Making the decision to follow Jesus is the most important decision you will make! If you have just made that decision, please let us know; we want to celebrate with you! If you would like to know more about what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus, a member of our staff team would be happy to talk with you! Connect with us at the Try 3 link below.

Baptism is the Next Step after a commitment to Jesus. It is an outward expression of an inward (heart) decision. The act of baptism represents Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection by being briefly submerged under then rising out of the water.
If you have already made the decision to follow Jesus and would like to take the Next Step of baptism, please let us know using the Try 3 link below.
New to ACC? Welcome, we’re so glad you’re here! We believe you cannot fully experience all that ACC has to offer in one Sunday. Therefore, we invite all of our first-time guests to TRY 3. This simply means we ask you to give us 3 tries (3 visits) so you can fully experience all that ACC has to offer. Let us know which TRY you are on during our Sunday services using our online or in-person connect card (Fill out the form each time you come, you’ll answer different questions each time!). We will send you one email each week to help you learn more about us. All first-time guests receive a little gift from us to you!
You’re invited to an informal gathering where you and those you love can spend some time with the pastors at ACC. It’s a chance to discover a little more about what ACC loves and where we’re headed as a church. Plus, there will be delicious beverages and pastries to go along with great conversation.
Would you like to learn more about the purpose and practices of ACC? Have an opportunity to get to know our pastors better? Find out what it means to be a member at ACC? Join us for our next Discover ACC Event!
This event is held several times per year. Enjoy free lunch while you meet new friends and hear all about what ACC has to offer!