So, what do you believe about Jesus? We all believe something about Him. A.W. Tozer, a famous American pastor in the mid 1900s declared, “What comes into our minds when we think about Jesus is the most important thing about us.”

In week 3, we focus on John 3:1-3:21 and consider this question of belief: “Do you believe in the need to be born again?”

  1. Based on the prior chapters, John 1 (seven divine titles of Jesus) and John 2 (miracles), what is still resonating in you?


Bonus: Watch the 10-minute dialogue with Jesus and Nicodemus

  1. Read John 3:1-15. Notice how verse 1 picks right up with what was said in 2:25. Nicodemus is the example of what John was talking about in John 2:23-25. Do you think Nicodemus was genuinely searching for truth? Why or why not? Nicodemus is a highly religious teacher, an expert in the Scriptures, yet he did not understand the most basic teaching regarding salvation. Why do you think that was? What was he missing in his understanding according to Jesus?
  2. How do you interpret the concept of being “born again” as Jesus explained it to Nicodemus? In what ways have you experienced it and or desire a spiritual rebirth in your own life?
  3. Read Numbers 21:4-9 to get background to what Jesus says in John 3:14. How was Jesus the fulfillment of Numbers 21? What is the basis of salvation according to John 3:15?
  4. Read John 3:16-21. What all do you learn from John 3:16-17? Jesus emphasized that God loved the whole world, not just a specific group. How does this truth impact your view of God’s love for others, especially those who are different from you? Is the unbeliever awaiting judgment or condemnation one day or already judged and condemned today? Who comes to your mind? What must that person do to be saved?
  5. According to John/Jesus, why do people prefer darkness to light? How do you see that in the people around you at church, work, school, community, etc…? In what ways do you end up in the darkness? How does the grace of God encourage you to bring your hidden sins and struggles into the Light for healing and transformation?

Pray these prayers for yourself, others in your group and those you desire to grow deeper in Christ.

Jesus, grant _______ the faith to be born again, so that I, he or she can reflect your image on earth and receive eternal life with you in heaven.

Jesus, shed light on the darkness in my life and help me to confess it to you and walk in more freedom.

Gospel of John Simple Journal/Reading Plan (in lobby)
Gospel of John Overview Video []

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