So, what do you believe about Jesus? We all believe something about Him. A.W. Tozer, a famous American pastor in the mid 1900s declared, “What comes into our minds when we think about Jesus is the most important thing about us.”
This week, we begin by focusing on the 7 key thematic descriptors of Jesus found in John 1:1-34 and throughout the Gospel of John. Our question of belief to ponder is, “Do you believe God came in the flesh as Jesus and He was the Word, Life, Light, Son of God, Messiah, Lamb of God, and Chosen One?”
  1. As we will see throughout the gospel of John, Jesus is described in many ways. Similarly, pick a person (friend, family, famous person) that you like and describe them in 7 adjectives (write them down). Then share with another. Was that hard or easy and why? What did you realize?
  1. What has been your experience with reading The Gospel of John? What do you remember gaining from it? What was challenging about it? Why do you think it is the most recommended of the 4 gospels? Over the next 15 weeks, what would motivate you to read or reread it? (see reading plan)
  1. Read John 1:1-5,14  The term, Word, is defined as the source of all reasoning and creative order. How does this help us understand the divine nature of Jesus? Why is it important to your faith that Jesus was not just some created being, like a human teacher or an angel, but instead is God? Also, this passage shows us God’s response to the sin and brokenness of this world. How is the usage of the words the Word (Jesus), Light, and Life connected back to creation and depicted as a solution?
  1. Read John 1:6-13,19-28. What was the role of this other John (John the Baptist)? Why do you think God needed John the Baptist in this role? How is his role similar to other roles played in God’s greater story? What is this passage conveying to you about Light, a Messiah and being children of God? What is the role of faith in believing these concepts?
  1. Read John 1:15-18, 29-34  Which passage, phrase or word stands out to you the most? What are vv.16-18 clarifying? Why does John the Baptist call Jesus the Lamb of God and God’s Chosen One?
  1. Which of the seven descriptors of Jesus (The Word, Life, Light, Son of God, Messiah, Lamb of God, and Chosen One) in John 1:1-34 are you most drawn to, and why? How does this particular aspect of Jesus’ identity speak to you and how does it shape your faith? Which one is hardest to believe?
Pray this simple prayer over each other.  “Jesus reveal to __________  the fullness of who you are.”
And consider praying it throughout the week for yourself..
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