Seek God by seeking good. This is the command the book of Amos begs to understand. Uniquely among the minor prophets, Amos zeros in on Israel’s injustice towards the poor. He indicts them for their failure to be generous as God had been generous to them.
As we journey together, we want to identify what injustices are occurring in the world around us. Then, our hope is to determine what is the justice God wants to bring forth through us.
This week, we focus on Amos 5:18-6:14 after hearing from our guest speaker, Pastor Paul Robinson.
  1. As we near the end of our Amos series, how has God given you greater awareness of issues of justice in the world around you? What is good and or challenging about your fresh perspective? How does it make you feel?
  1. Read Amos 5:18-6:14. What are some of the key message points from our guest speaker, Paul Robinson, that stood out to you. When you review the two “Woe” sections (5:18 & 6:1), for what reasons is God declaring His judgment.
  1. Reflect on Amos 5:24, “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”   How does this verse shape your understanding of what God values in worship and community life?
In what ways might our worship or religious practices be missing the mark when it comes to God’s call for justice (taking action toward fairness) and righteousness (fairness for all regardless of social status)? Are there areas where we focus on rituals but neglect the needs of the marginalized?
  1. Consider a time when you felt disappointed because your efforts to do good didn’t yield the expected results. How might this passage help you understand the difference between well-meaning efforts and actions that align with God’s true desires?
  1. The passage criticizes the Israelites for their complacency and false sense of security. How can we, as a faith community, avoid similar pitfalls and ensure that our collective actions reflect God’s justice and righteousness?
  1. Reflect on how you can personally contribute to the “streams of justice” in your daily life. What changes can you make in your attitudes, behaviors, or priorities to better align with God’s call for justice and righteousness? Spend time asking God to help you and ACC to take bold steps of change. 


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