As a faith community, we are reestablishing who we are and what God is calling us to. Hence, during this fall season (October-November), we are feeling led to deepen our connection to our triune God through prayer, both individually and corporately. Jesus’ teaching on the Lord’s Prayer will be the focus of our series to help us experience a greater depth of praise and seeking of His purpose, provision, pardon and protection. In doing so, we hope to be a reflection of Jesus and guided in His direction as a church together more and more.
Dates | Focus | Scripture |
10-1-23 | Teach us to pray / Intro | Matthew 6:6-13 |
10-8-23 | Adoration/Our Father in Heaven… | Matthew 6:9 |
10-15-23 | 60th Anniversary Celebration Petition/Give us today our daily bread… | Matthew 6:11 |
10-22-23 | Intercession / Your kingdom come… | Matthew 6:10 |
10-29-23 | Unanswered Prayer / Your will be done… | Matthew 6:10 |
11-05-23 | Contemplation / on earth as it is in heaven… | Matthew 6:10 |
11-12-23 | Confession / forgive us our debts… | Matthew 6:12 |
11-19-23 | Listening / Give us our daily bread… | Matthew 6:11 |
11-26-23 | Spiritual Warfare / deliver us from the evil one… | Matthew 6:13 |
Several groups are studying prayer as they track with the Sunday message series. They are using The Prayer Course on RightNow Media for weekly videos and reflection questions. To access these resources login to your RightNow Media account. If you need to create a new FREE account click here.
Books for Adults
“Practice the Presence of God”
by Brother Lawrence
by Richard Foster
“Hearing God”
by Dallas Willard
“The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry”
by John Mark Commer
“Book of Prayers Series (Grandparents, Parents, Spouses)”
by Stormie Omartian
“A Rhythm of Prayer “
by Sarah Bessy
“When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer”
by Jerry Sittser
“Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools”
by Tyler Staton
“Prayer for the People”
Terry Stokes
“Gorillas of Grace”
by Ted Loder
Books for Kids
“Am I Praying”
by Jeannie St. John Taylor
Daily: Pray and listen to God using the Lord’s Prayer as a guide
Weekly: Wednesday Noon Time Prayer (Zoom link) – From Oct. 4 through Nov. 15, join us each Wednesday for a 30-minute interactive prayer call led by our ACC staff. The goal will be to pray for the future of ACC, our local community and the world.
Pray for ACC: for unity, renewal, wisdom, new people/believers, Christ-likeness, and that we would BLESS those around us.
Monthly: Prayer walk your neighborhood, work, school, church or city (how to guide).