Be United
John 17:20-23

  1. Come From Away – A Tale of Unity Base on Purpose: The true story of the 38 planes with 7000 people landing in Gander, Newfoundland on September 11, 2001 and the amazing response by the locals there, reminds us of the incredible capacity for unity and compassion within humanity. What moments in your life (family, friends, community) have you witnessed or experienced such unity?
  2. Jesus’ Prayer for Unity: Jesus prayed for unity in John 17:20-23. Reflect on the passage and clarify the following: Who is this prayer for? Why is unity so important? What does it mean for the church community to be “one” as Christ and the Father are one? How is unity in the church possible or is this not realistic in this day and age?
  3. Reasons for Unity in the Church: There were three reasons declared for why unity in the Church is important: 1/ Reflects the nature of God 2/ Bonds & strengthens the Church 3/ Leads to blessings. What personal experiences or examples do you know of where unity in our church community has led to these outcomes?
  4. Challenges to Unity: Disunity in the Church can arise from factors like passionate convictions, preferences, and personalities. How have you seen this play out in our church? How can these obstacles be addressed constructively to promote greater unity?
  5. Majoring on the Majors: The message suggested the need to focus on essential aspects of faith (make the Word central, become like Jesus, depend on the Holy Spirit, engage in the local church, commit to local/global missions) in order to sustain unity. How can our church community emphasize the major aspects of faith while allowing room for diversity in non-essential matters (theology, politics, social issues, worship preferences, etc.)?
  6. Your Next Step: Read out loud Ephesians 4:3 and Psalm 133:1-3. What are these passages reminding us about unity in our church? What step, in attitude or action, must you take to keep unity as we move forward?

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