At the Table with Each Other: Making Room for One More 
Luke 15:11-32

Individual & Group Reflection Questions

  1. When you hear the words “wastefully extravagant” what comes to mind? How does this play out in your life? 
  2. The word “prodigal” actually means to be “wastefully extravagant.”  Read through the story of the Prodigal Son out loud Luke 15:11-31. What stands out to you in the story? What feelings does it stir in you (glad, mad, sad, scared, shame, shock)?

  3. Contrast the characters of the younger son, father and the older son. How would you label them? Looking back on your life, when did you find yourself living out any of these roles?

  4. Review the father’s reaction to his younger son Luke 15:20, 22-24 and then his older son Luke 15: 28, 31-32. What does it tell you about the father’s “wastefully extravagant” love for his sons? Where else in God’s Word does it declare God loves like this? Why is this so hard to accept?

  5. Who has your heart grown hard towards? What holds you back from expressing “wastefully extravagant” love to them and inviting them back to celebrate at table with you? How might remembering how much God loves you help? 

  6. What next step is the Holy Spirit nudging you to take? (e.g., talk to God, talk to another person to get support, or actually talk to the person your heart is hard towards, etc. )

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