July 6, 2022 7:00 - 8:00pm | Zoom: link provided upon registration
Join us on July 6 at 7 p.m. for an evening with Brian Sederwall on Zoom. This event will start our Build month which focuses on our role in God’s call to serve our neighbors together as a church.
Brian is the founder and director of Denver Dream Center. He is an engaging speaker and you won’t want to miss what he has to share with us. This event is totally free, and we hope you will invite those in your circles who wonder what role the church should have in our community.
More about Brian Sederwall and The Denver Dream Center:
When Bryan Sederwall (affectionately known as “Pastor B” in the city) moved to Denver in 2006 he was met with defeat in the streets of the city’s housing projects. Gangs, poverty and addiction were impossible hurdles to overcome for the youth and families living in the projects. Indeed, the statistics seem impossible to defeat. In 2020, overdose deaths increased by 220%. There were more gang-related shootings than the last five years combined. Human trafficking rose exponentially. Homelessness exploded. Defeat. Impossible. Pastor B started working with gang members, ex-offenders and inmates. Realizing that defeating the impossible cycles of incarceration, poverty, addiction and homelessness start with youth and families; Denver Dream Center developed wrap-around services, pro-social events and crisis-intervention services that now reach 40,000 people annually.