We are on a journey of RENEWAL together as a church. During this series, we are focusing our attention on ACC’S overall purpose and practices. Our purpose is why we exist and our practices are how we live into it. In many ways, we are living out these practices and into our purpose. Our hope is that by clarifying both, we will  live it out even more and more and become a powerful movement that God uses to bring renewal in and around us. This week, we focus on the third practice – Follow the Holy Spirit.

  1. Reflect back when you were a kid, who did you admire and follow? (actor, rockstar, athlete, uncle, older sibling, cousin, etc.). How did this impact the way you thought and acted?
  1. Reflect on ACC’s  purpose statement [why we exist]: “Practicing the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the world.”  How are you seeing this statement playing out in your life and in the life of our church?
  1. Reflect on ACC’s practices [how we live into it]: Be with Jesus, Journey Together, Follow the Holy Spirit, Bless others, Restore the world around you.  Personally, rank them in order from your strongest to weakest. Why do you think this is?
  1. Our Big Idea for this week is that Following the Spirit brings Freedom and Renewal.  Read Galatians 5:13-15. What is God trying to free us from and how is this possible? And what happens if we don’t? How have you seen the Spirit bring freedom?  How is the idea of experiencing freedom more motivating than obedience or guilt to you?
  1. Read Galatians 5:16-18. What is the conflict being detailed? What/Who do you feel is the source of this conflict?  Would you consider all “desires” good or bad?  What is the significance of the line “you are not to do whatever you want”?
  1. Read  Galatians 5:19-23. Are the acts of the flesh still relevant warnings for today and how do they cause a lack of freedom and destruction? How do you see the fruit of the Spirit bringing freedom and renewal when you follow the Spirit?
  1. Read Galatians 5:24-26. What is our role in following the Spirit? Identify WHY you want to follow the Holy Spirit more? HOW could you have a more conscious dependence on following  the Holy Spirit (confession of passions and desires, requests His help, read the Word, reminders to keep in step – use your breath or steps, get others involved, daily examen,  etc.)?

PRAYER: Lord help us to keep in step with the Holy Spirit, so that we experience more freedom and renewal in us and in the world.

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