Welcome to the third week of RENEWAL: a series outlining our vision to “Practice the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the world.”

On Sunday, Jodi talked about how we live in a world where we have more and more information about people every day, and yet we become more and more isolated.  As you’re getting better acquainted in your group, consider how this group experience is having an impact on the rest of your life. You might begin to notice some measurable ways you see your relationship with Jesus deepening.

Getting to Know Each Other

Begin your group time by learning more about each other. If you need them, here are some questions:

  • What’s your favorite wintertime activity?
  • What’s a movie that you have watched over and over again? Why?
  • What are some ways in which you have experienced God’s love for you? How has He brought about good in your life?

Getting Started

Begin to transition into group discussion. Host can open the group in prayer. Here are a few potential prayer items: Begin to transition into group discussion.  Host can pray for 1) the Spirit of God to lead you in truth, 2) for openness to what you’re learning together, 3) for friendships to deepen and grow

Invite someone else (or a couple of people) to read Ecclesiastes 4:1-12 to the group.

Study Questions

  1. Notice the use of the word oppression repeatedly. What comes to mind when you hear that word?
  2. You have heard the saying absolute power corrupts absolutely; but this is not God’s way. Look at God’s command in Genesis 1:26-31. God’s plan for leadership fosters the betterment of society. Read the following Scriptures and discuss how God sees oppression, suffering, and our role as His followers:

• Psalm 146:5-9
• Isaiah 1:17
• Proverbs 14:31
• Exodus 22:21-27

  1. Culture tells us to strive to get ahead and encourages us to always be looking for the next big thing. What does Jesus say about this? Read Matthew 6:19-20 and Luke 12:16-21. Why do you think it’s so challenging to trust God with our “treasures”? What does that reveal about our hearts?
  2. For what reasons does Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 encourage friendship and community? For what reasons does 1 John 4:19-21 encourage friendship? Read Mark 10:43-45 and John 15:13. For what reasons did Jesus show friendship?


Take a few moments to prepare a prayer request. Consider the areas you need to grow, receive help or show love. A significant part of “journeying together” is being open and honest with our lives. Sharing can be scary, but it also invites others to be present in your life!

Share short prayer requests and be mindful of needs throughout your discussion. Hosts will wrap up your time with prayer; pray aloud if you’re comfortable, but everyone enters into prayer as you reflect together.

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