Seek God by seeking good. This is the command the book of Amos begs to understand. Uniquely among the minor prophets, Amos zeros in on Israel’s injustice towards the poor. He indicts them for their failure to be generous as God had been generous to them. As we journey together, we want to identify what injustices are occurring in the world around us. Then, our hope is to determine what is the justice God wants to bring forth through us. This week we focus on Amos chapter 3.

  1. Based on Amos’s name meaning “burden-bearer” in Hebrew, reflect/share about someone in your life or historically who you consider a “burden-bearer.” How has their dedication to fighting for justice for the disadvantaged had an impact in a community/society and inspired you?
  2. The Big Idea of the Sunday message was that God calls us to be “burden-bearers” of righteousness, compassion, and justice for the disadvantaged. Note the biblical definitions of these words: righteousness (fair treatment of others), compassion (caring for others), and justice (holding others accountable and bringing restoration). How do these concepts differ, how do they complement each other and fully reflect the kingdom of God?
  3. Reflect Amos 3:1-3. What is Israel (the Northern Kingdom) guilty of? Why is God so mad about how they have mishandled their position? What agreement have they broken? Similarly today, how have you seen those chosen by God mishandle their privileged position and responsibility? How does this make you feel about the Church and Christians and why?
  4. Reflect on Amos 3:4-8. As you read through these rhetorical questions, what is God saying to Israel? Which one stands out the most to you and why?
  5. As you read through Amos 3:9-15, how do you feel about the public disgrace and the harsh manner in which God will bring justice to Israel for their lack of righteousness and compassion toward the disadvantaged? In our current times, how has the Church been complicit and do you feel God will bring judgment? In what ways has God already brought judgment?
  6. Reflect on the following scriptural passages (1 Peter 2:9, Galatians 6:2, James 1:27, Matthew 25:45). How did you see the parallels between Amos’ prophetic concerns and these passages? How are these passages challenging and how can we encourage one another to live them out?
  7. Take some time in prayer to lament and grieve how the Church, other Christians, and ourselves have mishandled our privilege position with God and the responsibility to love Him and love others. Ask God for fresh hearts and eyes, plus a willingness to be obedient to help restore the world around us.



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