During this season of Pentecost, our three-week message series looks at the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, who tends to get overlooked in our churches and personal lives. Drawing on what the Bible says regarding the person and work of the Holy Spirit, you will be encouraged to know the third person of the Trinity better.

This week, we focus on the various roles the Holy Spirit plays in our life.

  1. As we begin our focus on the Holy Spirit, we want to acknowledge that it can often be difficult to experience something that is not tangible to our five senses? So what else in our lives impacts us, but we cannot taste, touch, smell, see, or hear it?
  2. How has your understanding of the Holy Spirit evolved over time, especially considering the stereotypes or misconceptions you may have had in the past? How has ignorance or resistance held you back from experiencing the Holy Spirit?
  3. Meditate on John 14:16-19, John 14:25-27.  What stands out to you in these passages? What questions do they raise? Why do you think Jesus left us with the Spirit and what are the roles of the Spirit in our lives?
  4. Note how Jesus calls the Spirit an “advocate.”  The Greek term is “parakletos”,  which  literally means “called alongside of”.  Hence, God in Spirit form  is called alongside of you and inside of you to be your Comforter, your Counselor, your Intercessor, and to be your Helper — very literally, to be your friend!  How does this make you feel about God? [e.g. glad, mad, sad, scared, shame, shocked] And what makes you believe or doubt this truth?
  5. When you think back, can you see a time when the Holy Spirit was leading you or came alongside you? How did He comfort, counsel, or convict you?
  6.  Describe the need you feel for the Spirit’s presence in your life. What steps do you need to take to have a more “conscious dependence” on the Holy Spirit throughout your day?
  7. Reflect on the benediction given at the end of the message. How does the imagery of God creating you anew, Jesus offering eternal peace, and the Holy Spirit igniting your heart resonate with you as you go about your daily life?

The God who made this amazing universe is creating you anew every day.
Jesus Christ, the resurrected One, offers you peace that never dies.                                       
The Holy Spirit is setting your hearts on fire—right here, right now.
Go in peace, and be transformed, that you may change the world. Amen.

Pray this benediction over yourself,  each other or the entire group.


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