This week, we close out our series by focusing on understanding how to deal with when we feel SHOCKED.

  1. How are you dealing with how you are feeling? Have you been taking time to reflect on your emotions and using the process of Naming, Taming, Claiming, and Proclaiming? If so, what have you gained? If not, what holds you back from doing so? How has the emotions journal been helpful or not?
  2. How might regularly reciting the Welcoming Prayer (see back or scroll below) benefit you in dealing with the emotion of being shocked or any of the other emotions?
  3. Being shocked emotionally can be a positive thing (WOW!) or a negative (WHAT, WHEN, WHY?). What are some of the ways that God has WOWed you (e.g. answered prayer, was faithful to you, showed you the way, provided, etc.).  Why would identifying your top 1-5 ways of being WOWed by God be beneficial for when you are negatively shocked by life?
  4. Meditate on Psalm 62:5-8. Read it through 3 times slowly. What part of the Psalm is the Spirit of God drawing you to the most? What is David, the author, trying to convince his soul to do and why?
How has David been WOWed by God and what words reflect it? Why do you think he shifts from talking to himself then to others by the end of the Psalm?
  1. Consider the three steps mentioned in the message for how to handle shock. Which step resonates with you the most, and why? How have you experienced them?  Which is most challenging for you?
    1. Letting your emotions lead you to God
    2. Remembering who God is and what He has done
    3. Learning from others (on earth, heaven or in the bible)
  2. EMOTIONAL CHECK IN: Identify why you are feeling “SHOCKED” and bring it to God.

Name it! – “I am feeling _______________ .” (using feeling wheel – SHOCKED section)
Tame it! – “I am feeling this way because _______________________ .” Claim it! – “Lord,  I give you my feeling(s) of… .  Grant me your wisdom.

What perspective, truth, or person did He reveal to you?

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