Complete the Spiritual Health Reflection prior or after this intro session. This will help you get a baseline understanding of where you are when it comes to Being with Jesus, Becoming Like Him and Doing as He did.
As we kick off this series, this first week, we will focus on what it means to examine our lives. In the upcoming weeks, the eight videos and Companion Guide will lead you through your discussions and assigned practices.
If you have completed the Spiritual Health Reflection what did you think of the questions? And what did you learn about yourself? What practices (Solitude, Scripture, Prayer, Fasting, Sabbath, Community, Generosity, Service, Witnessing, Confession, Simplicity, Hospitality, Examen) would you like to focus on more and why? And what are you looking forward to in this series?
If you have not completed the Spiritual Health Reflection, what emotions or thoughts come to mind when you hear the term “Spiritual Practices”? And what are you looking forward to in this series?
The Practicing the Way series is intended to help us Be with Jesus, Become like Him and Do as He did, by integrating spiritual practices into our daily rhythm of life. The intent of this intro session is to consider using the practice of Examen to take inventory of where we are in our spiritual lives. The Spiritual Health Reflection is the tool we are recommending to complete your Examen. What are these passages Genesis. 3:9, Psalm 139:23-24, 1 Corinthians 11:28 saying to you about the need for Examen? How could participating in an Examen be beneficial and difficult?
Why is it important to approach an Examen in a grace-filled, shame-free manner? How does this verse Romans 8:1 inform this approach? How could you make this approach a reality as you practice Examen?
Read 2 Cor. 3:18, Philippians 2:5. We examine our lives because becoming like Jesus was always the goal, not just believing in Him. How do you feel about this statement and when did it become a reality in your life?
Our hearts need good soil and a structure to help us form into the likeness of Jesus. The “Rule of Life” was described as a “trellis” for spiritual growth. What “trellis” or structure of spiritual practices do you currently have in place (Solitude, Scripture, Prayer, Fasting, Sabbath, Community, Generosity, Service, Witnessing, Confession, Simplicity, Hospitality. etc.)? If you don’t have one, what steps could you take to develop one that supports your growth in Christlikeness?
May the Spirit form our lives in the way of Jesus — the way of prayer, generosity and justice, the way of compassion, faith, and selflessness. And may the rhythms of our daily living usher in God’s kingdom. Amen