When it comes to faith, everyone has doubts. What are yours? Questions and doubts are not the enemy of faith. They’re the path to a deeper faith. Whether a longtime Christian or brand new to faith, we are hoping you realize that our compassionate God is not afraid of the hard questions you have and you don’t have to be either.
In our final week, we will focus on the question “Why do the innocent suffer?”
As we close out the series on Doubt, what has stood out to you the most? Was it a particular week? [Does God Exist?, Is the Bible True?, What to do with Heaven and Hell?, What do we do with Unanswered Prayer?] Or a specific concept? (e.g. mystery, God’s ways are not our ways, distancing, disillusioned, curious trust, etc.).
What examples of innocent suffering have you witnessed or experienced near or far from you? For some groaning is the bodily reaction to innocent suffering, what is it for you? And how has your experience with innocent suffering caused you to doubt God?
How does Jesus’ declaration in John 16:33, help or hinder you from accepting that “troubles” in the form of trials, sorrows, and suffering will occur? What else about Jesus’ words or other passages in the Bible relate to this issue of suffering?
Note the 4 Truths about Trouble below.
THE FALL & FREE WILL – Reflect on the idea that suffering exists due to the Fall Gen 3:6, 17 and free will Gen. 1:28. How have these concepts shaped your understanding of why there is suffering?
HE GIVES & TAKES AWAY – What does Job’s story and statement of faith in Job 1:21 teach us about what a divine perspective looks like when experiencing incomprehensible suffering?
ALLOWS FOR HIS GLORY – In John 9:1-3, Jesus points to God’s greater purposes/glory being revealed through suffering? How does this encourage you or frustrate you that God would operate in this manner?
THE STORY IS NOT OVER – Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. When suffering strikes what is this passage conveying about God’s posture toward the wounded and our role in “recycled suffering?” How have you seen this play out? Meanwhile, in time how can the promise of future restoration in Revelation 21:4 encourage you to trust that when faced with suffering of any kind?
Holy and loving God, thank you for accepting our doubts and our questions. Thank you for the assurance of your love and presence, especially when our faith feels fragile. Give us courage to ask the hard questions and to seek your truth in all circumstances. Be with us in our searching and reassure us that searching draws us into a stronger relationship with you; in the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Wrestling with Doubt Finding Faith – Adam Hamilton