So, what do you believe about Jesus? We all believe something about Him. A.W. Tozer, a famous American pastor in the mid 1900s declared,  “What comes into our minds when we think about Jesus is the most important thing about us.”
In week two, we focus on John 1:35 – 2:25 and consider this question of belief: “Do you believe in the miracles of Jesus?”
  1. What are you wanting from your group experience and the study of The Gospel of John?
  1. In week 1 of the The Gospel of John, we highlighted the main purpose of the writing (see: John 20:30-31) and the 7 names of Jesus (Word, Life, Light, Son of God, Messiah, Lamb of God, Chosen One) found in John 1:1-34, which point to Him being God. How would you describe the purpose of John’s writing to someone else? And which name resonates with you the most and why? Note as you read further in this gospel how the usage of these names will draw others to Jesus and be further clarified by Him.
  1. Read John 1:35-50 What names of Jesus seem to be important to those (Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip, Nathanael) who are beginning to follow Him? What does this reveal about their belief?
In v.38 Jesus asks, “What do you want?” to the two disciples that follow Him. What does He mean by the question? Do you believe faith is an internal miracle that moves us beyond ourselves and toward the greater things Jesus has for us? Why or why not? Consider other internal miracles (forgiveness, peace, generosity, etc.)
  1. Read John 2:1-12 Why do you think Jesus waited this long to perform a public miracle? What does “he revealed his glory” mean? How have you seen God use external miracles (creation, healing, etc.) in your life to initiate and deepen your belief? And if you haven’t (which is OK), what are your thoughts about external miracles?
  1. Read John 2:13-25 What is Jesus so mad about? Why are the Jews asking Jesus for a sign (miracle)? What is Jesus foreshadowing will occur? How is the resurrection of Jesus’ body the ultimate spiritual miracle? And how does it change everything if you believe in it?
  1.  What holds you back from believing in miracles? What miracle do you want from Jesus?
Pray this simple prayer over each other.
“Jesus, help me to follow and believe in your miracles (signs) and words.”
And consider praying it throughout the week for yourself.
Gospel of John Simple Journal/Reading Plan (in lobby)
Gospel of John Overview Video []

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